This is a word that The Lord gave to one of our Deacons, Eric Clark, for the New Year.
"The shout of faith terrifies the enemy. The same way he shouts at you about lack and failure in order to terrify you from moving and acting in faith. You shout in faith to him in My name, in victory, in the name of My Son, in My Word, in gratitude. You will send him, (your enemy), fleeing in terror of My glory filling and descending over your lives. You will see rapid changes taking place.
Just like Jericho, where I told my people to shout! I did not say to just raise their voices... no I told them to SHOUT! That shout sent the enemy fleeing! To him it was the sounding of My trumpet. Do you think Heaven is subdued and quiet as a library? It is alive and vibrant. Go to a forest, what do you hear? You hear LIFE, My living creatures sounding out in glory, just as I created them to. You hear the music of creation.
So I tell you that the time has come to lift up your voices. Be My trumpet, sound off and announce My glory over your lives! Change and glory await - bring it in! Saturate your lives with My glory!
Thus says the Lord."
Powerful word, let’s get ready for the overflow.