to May 29


  • FaithWired Church/Grace Baptist Church (map)
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We are so Blessed to meet IN PERSON for our SUNDAY SERVICE!

The Pastor of Grace Baptist in Santa Clarita, Pastor David Hegg, has graciously offered us the use of one of their rooms, on this beautiful campus.


There is an elevator for anyone needing assistance to the second floor.

We are very excited to be able to come together and Worship The Lord.

Please join us for a wonderful time of the ministry of The Word .

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2017 Church Picnic
11:00 AM11:00

2017 Church Picnic

We invite you and your friends, family, and neighbors to join us at our Annual Church Picnic! We're going to have a great time playing games, hanging out, and eating delicious food! Join us at Valencia Glen Park on Saturday, August 5 at 11 am! Parking is available alongside the park and you will see us. Send any questions you hve here:

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Youth Sunday
12:15 PM12:15

Youth Sunday

Every fourth Sunday of the month is our Youth Sunday. Our service is completely dedicated to our teens and young people. For ages 13-19 years old, we want to see you there. Invite your friends and be ready to hear a message curated just for you. We're ready to see growth, define your purpose, be bold with the love of Jesus, and operate in faith everywhere you go. Are you ready? All you need to do is show up and bring a friend! Save Your Seat Here!


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Evangelism Outreach
9:00 AM09:00

Evangelism Outreach

Join us for Part 2 of our Immersive Evangelism Course with Pastor Gilbert Burns and FaithWired Church volunteers. We will receive hands-on training for witnessing, evangelism, and ministering to the community with confidence.

Mark your calendars: Saturday, February 18 from 9am-10am.

Followed by immediate outreach from 10:30am-12:30pm at the Park Sierra Apartment Homes in Santa Clarita.

The course will begin promptly at 9am. Please click here to request the address. Feel free to invite a friend!

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Women's Fellowship
10:00 AM10:00

Women's Fellowship

To our mothers, daughters, sisters, and girlfriends, we invite you to meet with us this Saturday for our first Women's Fellowship of 2017. We love seeing our FaithWired Sisters and we'll hear a message just for us women from First Lady Sabrina Burns. 

Invite your girlfriends to join us for coffee, scones, and laughter as we start this year off with the word and new friends. These groups only take place a few times a year, so we encourage you to do your best to attend! We always depart uplifted and ready for all the world has in store for us. 

Send me the address!

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The Wait - Youth Book Reading
3:00 PM15:00

The Wait - Youth Book Reading

We are continuing our reading and discussion from the book, The Wait, by Devon Franklin and Meagan Good. This is an awesome opportunity to put this topic on the table in a Godly and relevant way and discuss how one couple followed God's plan for their life and marriage. We are discussing Chapters 3 & 4 on Sunday, July 31 immediately following Youth Sunday.

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Youth Sunday
12:15 PM12:15

Youth Sunday

Every last Sunday of the month we dedicate the service to our next generation, our youth! We will have a powerful message to encourage the whole family, especially our young people, and special performances by some of the talented young people at FWC. Mark your calendars teens! We're going in. 

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Financial Literacy Class
7:00 PM19:00

Financial Literacy Class

Are you ready to experience a change in your life financially? Do you want to get your finances in order, create a budget and take control of your money once and for all? As a church, we want to equip you with the tools needed to get out of debt and step into a life of financial freedom. You are invited to join us at our Financial Literacy Class on Tuesday, July 26 at FaithWired Church. Our class will be led by Beth McGill, an educator for over 20 years, Beth entered financial services in 2010. She is endorsed by Dave Ramsey and has a passion to help educate and motivate others, with compassion, in order to help them achieve their financial goals! Learn more about Beth here:

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